Is My Spouse an Alcoholic? Signs He or She Might Be


November 13th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

Jackie, my husband of 11 years (and father of my two kids) has been drinking much more than he used to. In fact, he now drinks at least a 6 pack of beer every night, or sometimes a bottle of wine. I keep finding empty booze bottles around, and our tr...

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How to Start a Separation: My “To-Do” List


October 10th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

Read the e-mail I received from a woman wondering how to start a separation. I felt like the best way to give her advice was to give her a "To-do list." Hi Jackie, Today's been a rough day--my husband just told me (after 14 years of marriage) tha...

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Starting Over After Divorce At 40 And Rebuilding Your Life


August 1st, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

From a reader: How do I rebuild my life after divorce? I've sunken into a deep depression and feel scared about starting over after divorce at 40. I've been with my husband for over 13 years and I found out that this is the third time he has cheat...

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7 Reasons for Divorce: Each Unique but All Painful


February 3rd, 2022 . Anna Krolikowska

It may not surprise you to learn that one of the most searched questions online about divorce pertains to the reasons for divorce.  I imagine that is because divorce can feel confusing, and oftentimes, it’s hard to pinpoint why exactly a person mi...

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Considering a Divorce in the New Year?


January 8th, 2022 . Anna Krolikowska

For many couples, the arrival of a new year is accompanied by feelings of hope, fresh starts, new goals and more.  For some couples, the new year doesn’t bring fresh, good feelings. During the previous year (2021) as the Covid-19 pandemic continue...

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