Do You Have Dating App Burnout? Tips for Meeting People Offline


July 17th, 2024 . Alyssa Dineen

It seems like everywhere I look these days, articles are popping up about dating app burnout. Articles like this and this and this are explaining how dating app burnout is a real thing. As a dating coach, I wanted to show you what you can do about ...

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Love Over 50: Love Never Felt So Good


July 14th, 2024 . Jackie Pilossoph

I wrote this article when I was turning 50. I remember so clearly that despite the anxiety and fear of being in my 50s, getting old, etc., there was something really positive happening to me. I had been dating my now spouse for about 6 months and rea...

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21 Dating Tips I wish I could Have Shared With My 21 year-old Self


May 22nd, 2024 . Jackie Pilossoph

When I was 21, I had my whole life ahead of me. I felt unafraid of almost anything. Physically, I felt wonderful. I was free-spirited and happy most of the time. All that said, at 21, I was so naive, I made so many mistakes, and I didn't have wisdom,...

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The Bumble Date that Lasted 6 Minutes


May 8th, 2024 . Jackie Pilossoph

Mark Kulczak is a 50 something Denver-based single guy, who says online dating at his age isn't a cake walk. He said he has too many dating stories to count--some heartwarming, some funny, some frustrating, some disappointing, and one Bumble date tha...

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Marital Issues Can Arise When Mom Brings Home More Bacon Than Dad


May 3rd, 2024 . Jackie Pilossoph

Being married isn’t easy. That’s probably why you’re reading this article! I get it. I can say firsthand, as someone whose marriage could not survive our marital issues, that being married is really hard, and that there are issues in every marr...

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