My Sister is Marrying the Wrong Person


May 31st, 2021 . Lisa Kaplin

From a DGS reader: My sister announced her engagement yesterday- to the petulant man-child she's been living with for years. She is marrying the wrong person. She does not love this guy; he isn't worthy.   He's a selfish, lazy, irre...

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I Think I Want a Divorce, He Doesn’t


April 14th, 2021 . Lisa Kaplin

A Divorced Girl Smiling Facebook Group member posted this to the group: I've told my husband I want a divorce, he doesn't. I told him I want to separate, but then he acts like nothing happened and we never talk about it. So you’ve told your husb...

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Scared of Being Alone After Divorce or Even Terrified?


February 3rd, 2021 . Lisa Kaplin

A Divorced Girl Smiling Facebook Group member posted this question: Is anyone else scared of being alone after divorce? I am terrified. I was married for thirty years - was living separate in the same house as my ex for a year but physically separate...

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Negative Self-Talk: Why You Do It And How To Stop!


November 2nd, 2020 . Lisa Kaplin

From a reader: I’ve always been one that has been very self deprecating, and after my recent split (which I initiated) my negative self-talk has gotten worse and is really impacting my life, my work etc. Any advice on how to stop? Let’s start wi...

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My Ex Told Me No One is Ever Going To Want Me


September 29th, 2020 . Lisa Kaplin

Wondering if I will ever find anyone to love me. My Ex told me that No one is ever going to want a few other words. Reading your note ripped my heart out. The pain you feel is palpable in your words and of course you feel fear and reject...

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