Why Bringing Up the Past in Relationships is Unhealthy


April 30th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

I hear so often from men and women having marital issues, as well as couples going through a divorce, that one or both partners keeps bringing up the past. What does bringing up the past mean? It can mean a few different things:   1. What ...

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Is My Husband Cheating? New Cologne And Underwear Indicate Yes


November 13th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

From a reader: I'm wondering, 'Is my husband cheating?' In the last year, my husband has taken an interest in colognes and new underwear. And, his data on his cell phone shows crazy high usage. I have asked if he has a girlfriend and he has denied it...

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Is Recovering from an Emotional Affair Possible?


June 6th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

When someone finds out their spouse is cheating or cheated, it’s awful. I’ve personally been there—not in my marriage but in another relationship. It’s like you just got punched in the stomach, and you keep feeling like you are repeatedly get...

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Second Marriage Problems Are Real But The Marriage Can Still Be Great!


December 18th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

Second marriage is something that each divorced person views differently. Some have no fear and can't wait to walk down the aisle again, other's are unsure of whether or not it's right for them, and then there are people who say no way, and feel that...

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My Husband is Miserable in Our Marriage: What You Can and Can’t Do


October 9th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

From a reader: My husband is miserable in our marriage. We have been together for over 20 years. Things started getting really bad when he became very unhappy with this job (and life in general it seemed) about 5 years ago. We seem to have very diffe...

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