Women Over 50: You Mean I’m One of Them?! Here’s What I’m Thinking…

women over 50

By Jackie Pilossoph, Founder, Divorced Girl Smiling, Former Chicago Tribune Columnist and Features Reporter, Huffington Post Blogger and TV News Reporter

This is an article I wrote when I turned 50. I wanted to share my thoughts to other women over 50. It was originally published in the Chicago Tribune and it was in my top ten articles of most views. 

Here are 50 things I’m thinking as I turn 50. Enjoy!


1. Why couldn’t I have the confidence I have now 20 years ago?
2. I could have done so much more had I gotten my shit together earlier in life.
3. Do I think I look a lot younger than I actually look?
4. I can’t believe I’m 50 and I still get shocked (quite a bit) by some of the things people do.
5. It is both scary and sad, but I feel like I hear about someone getting cancer on a weekly basis.
6. Why are young people so stupid?
7. Why are young people so lovable?
8. Sometimes I wish Facebook didn’t exist.
9.  I wish there were no iPhones.
10. I’m actually too old to be a cougar now.


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11. What if my money runs out before I die?
12. Strong, independent women inspire me. I have met so many women whose lives seem great, and when I get to know their story and how they got there, it’s shocking. They struggled and they persevered. In other words, nothing ever comes easy to anyone. Ever.
13. Is 50 the new 30? I sure as hell hope so.
14. I really hope I get married again someday.
15. Why does everyone else seem to be staying the same age, and I keep getting older?
16. I really feel like I have lived. Not a lot of people can say that.
17. I love people my age.


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18. I love good sex.
19. When did I become such a crier?
20. My high school friends are as precious as ever to me.
21. I thank God for my health every single day.
22.I talk to God all the time. Did I do that when I was younger? I think so.
23. I would prefer to watch old movies versus the news these days. Why aggravate myself or cause stress that I have no control over?


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24. Showing your authentic self makes you feel beautiful.
25. Working out has more benefits than you can possibly imagine.
26. Passion truly drives success, but not always monetary success.
27. If someone has an issue with me and they choose not to tell me about it, it’s their problem, not mine.
28. I can only be me. I can’t control how others act towards me or what they think of me.
29.I expect way too much from people and because of that am constantly disappointed. It’s not their fault, it’s mine.
30. Thank God I listened to my gut when it came to life changing decisions. Not only did I avoid disaster, but it opened the door for other things that turned out amazing.
31. Recognizing your gifts and your challenges is really important in living the life you want.
32. Spend time with those who motivate you, challenge you, make you laugh and make you feel loved.
33. Dump anyone who is jealous of you or who makes you feel bad about yourself in any way.
34. My heart is full. I actually love that saying.


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35. There comes a time in life when you just can’t call your parents with bad news anymore.
36. I love my family so much, even though certain members drive me nuts at times.
37. Know thyself has never made more sense to me than it does at 50.
38. Dumb and dumber is how I would describe myself in my 30s and 20s.
39. Like Justine Timberlake said in his song, “Love never felt so good.”
40. You can’t reason with crazy.



41. I wish I wasn’t so soft. My feelings get hurt way too easily, and that hasn’t gotten any better with age.
42. I might be the most impatient person I’ve ever met.
43. When it feels like someone punched you in the gut and knocked you down, remember that being on the ground is only temporary. But if you stay there waiting for a hand to help you up, you’re going to be there for awhile.
44. I love having a cocktail before dinner. Getting buzzed is fun. Getting drunk is so unnecessary.
45. I just recently learned how a woman is supposed to hold hands with the man she loves.
46. My favorite time of the day is when I’m drinking coffee and I hear footsteps upstairs, and I know my kids just woke up.
47. My second favorite time of the day/night is watching my kids sleep.


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48. I can’t do everything I did in my younger years, but everything I can do, I do smarter than I did in my younger years.
49. You can never watch too many sunrises. Each one is unique.
50. Just keep praying. That was said to me by a dear friend who is an Italian born Catholic who is 85 years old.

Like this article? Check out, “What is it Like to Fall in Love after 50?”

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    Jackie Pilossoph

    Editor-in-chief: Jackie Pilossoph

    Jackie Pilossoph is the Founder of Divorced Girl Smiling, the media company that connects people facing with divorce to trusted, vetted divorce professionals. Pilossoph is a former NBC affiliate television journalist and Chicago Tribune/Pioneer Press features reporter. Her syndicated column, Love Essentially was published in the Chicago Tribune/Pioneer Press and Tribune owned publications for 7 1/2 years. Pilossoph holds a Masters degree in journalism from Boston University. Learn more at: DivorcedGirlSmiling.com

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