Getting Divorced Because of Substance Abuse?

Are you getting divorced because of substance abuse? If alcoholism or addiction has been a major factor in the breakdown of you marriage, you may be left wondering how the court will weigh these issues in your divorce case. First and foremost, it is important to speak to an attorney as soon as possible if … Read more

being friends with your ex

Being Friends With Your Ex: Is It Possible And How Do You Get There?

Most people I know who are first getting divorced can’t stand their ex-husbands and/or ex-wives. They either have this deep hatred for the person, or they roll their eyes at the mention of his or her name, or they just feel pity for the person. It makes sense if you think about it because at … Read more

what are marital assets

What are Marital Assets and Non-Marital Assets in a Divorce?

One of the hotly contested issues in a divorce is the division of property. What are marital assets and non-marital assets and how do you figure out who gets what in the divorce? The division of property in a divorce can includes items such as: financial accounts, investments, real estate, cryptocurrency, jewelry, and collectibles, vehicles, … Read more

divorce real estate

Divorce and Real Estate: A Step-by-Step Guide

Divorce is painful and challenging, but when it comes to your home, those things can magnify. Divorce and real estate can pose considerable emotional and financial challenges. This step-by-step guide provides clear direction for ensuring that everything you do when it comes to real estate is carefully addressed during the divorce process. Step 1: Gather … Read more

anger resentment

Turning Anger and Resentment into Peace and Excitement

Amidst the fear, anger, resentment, anxiety and sadness of divorce, there’s something good. Know what that is? Excitement. The excitement lies not in the past chapters of your life that have already happened, but in the ones to come. And I think that no matter how much pain you are in during and after divorce, … Read more

mediation for divorcing couples

Mediation for Divorcing Couples with Children: Secret Advantages

In the realm of divorce, where tensions often run high and conflicts seem insurmountable, mediation for divorcing couples with children emerges as a lesser-known yet highly effective approach. Here are some lesser-known secrets about mediation for divorcing couples that divorce experts and litigation attorneys may not readily share: 1. Mediation has Predictable Costs And is … Read more

the emotional stages of divorce

The Emotional Stages of Divorce Are Like A Roller Coaster Ride

 When I was going through my divorce, everyone said “This must be such a sad time for you.” But actually, even more than sadness, what I remember about that time several summers ago was that it felt like a roller coaster of highs and lows. I’m talking about the emotional stages of divorce. One minute … Read more

Illlinois Divorce Laws

Five Illinois Divorce Laws to Consider in Your Divorce

The process of getting married can be relatively easy, no matter where you live. However, the divorce process can be tough in any state!  Most divorces come with emotional, financial, and practical stressors. With the help of your divorce attorney, arming yourself with knowledge is key to confidence and peace of mind as you go … Read more

closure after breakup

Closure after a Breakup: “I Want a Sit Down With My Ex”

How many times have you heard someone say (or have you said it) “I need closure”? Is there anything that feels more cleansing to a person than to sit and tell your ex how you feel? Listen to how your ex feels? Perhaps apologize for things or get an apology from him? Express regrets/how you … Read more

When getting divorced

4 Mistakes When Getting Divorced and How to Avoid Making Them

When getting divorced, jumping into the process without being fully prepared for what is to come can lead to several critical and potentially costly mistakes. Fortunately, with the right preparation, mistakes can be avoided. Here are four common mistakes people make when getting divorced, along with how to avoid making them: Mistake No. 1: Failing … Read more