How to Make Divorce Easier: Take the High Road!


March 8th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

As we all know, dealing with an ex is no piece of cake. Things are constantly changing in both yours and your ex's life, and issues come up. Maybe a new job or los of a job, maybe something going on with your kids, maybe a new romance in either yours...

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Sudden Weight Gain At 40 Combined With Divorce? Here’s The Plan


March 5th, 2020 . Melanie Christner

Many women notice sudden weight gain at 40 or in the years following. That's the case for this woman, who is also divorced. I feel like I need a makeover since my divorce. I’ve got plenty of cute clothes but they don't fit. I guess I’m in a fu...

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What If The Couple in “Marriage Story” Had Mediated Their Divorce?


February 25th, 2020 . Karen Covy

How does a divorce that starts out amicably with a couple who doesn’t even want to use lawyers end up as a court battle with two of the highest priced lawyers in LA? That’s what the Academy Award nominated movie, Marriage Story is about. Unfor...

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A Solo Date Might Be Just What You Need During And After Divorce


February 10th, 2020 . Debbie LeSean

A DGS reader wrote this: Just went on my first solo date--went to see the movie Bombshell, which was pretty good. Man, why did I used to be so intimidated by enjoying things alone? It’s so peaceful.   First off, congratulations on your s...

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7 Suggestions In Finding Yourself After Divorce


January 23rd, 2020 . Jennifer Joy Butler

So many of us invest our entire selves into our roles in life. Whether that is being a mother, a wife, a homeowner, etc., we find that these identities define us and we rely on them to feel a sense of purpose and importance. Our sense of self gets so...

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