Getting Divorced

Divorce After 30 Years of Marriage or More

divorce after 30 years of marriage
Katherine Miller
By Katherine E. MillerDivorce Attorney, Certified Mediator, Collaborative Divorce Professional, Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Professional

Are you going through a divorce after 30 years of marriage or more? Did you stay with your spouse far longer than you should have? Now that you’ve finally pulled the plug and the divorce is actually happening, you may be surprised to find yourself feeling emotional, unsettled, and intimidated by the single life that now lies ahead of you. How do you begin to rebuild your life?

Here are 5 tips for divorce after 30 years of marriage or more


1. Grieve

The emotional trauma of divorce can be akin to experiencing a death. Even if you desperately wanted the divorce, you may still grieve the loss of your marriage and any dreams, hopes, friendships, and family that may end with it. Allow yourself the space to grieve these losses. Express your feelings in a journal, lean on a caring and empathetic family member, or talk to professional therapist. You will need to process these complex feelings in a healthy way to accept the past and rebuild your life with new hope.


2. Develop Self-Compassion

As you grieve and process your past, be patient and show compassion to yourself. Dont beat yourself up for not ending the marriage sooner or for other regrets. Instead, treat yourself with empathy and kindness, as you would a friend. Focus on what you learned from the marriage and how the knowledge will help you grow. Studies indicate that having self-compassion after divorce will help speed your emotional healing. University of Arizona researchers found that divorced people who they initially judged to have high self-compassion after divorce showed higher positive emotions and less divorce-related emotional difficulties nine months later than those who showed low self-compassion at the outset.



3. Find the Support You Need

Although you may not want to bother anyone with your troubles or feel too embarrassed to open up emotionally, you should not go through this challenging period alone. Talk to people who will support you, whether family and friends, an online support group, or a counselor. Remember that not everyone can provide the support you need: some people may want you to recover faster than you can or will otherwise try to impose their ideas upon you. Just because someone cares about you doesnt mean they can provide the type of support that helps you. Be sure to choose the right support system, and dont feel bad about steering divorce talk away from those who mean well but arent helping.


4. Rewrite Your Life Script

When you married, you thought your life would turn out a certain way. Divorce brought an end to that particular vision. After you grieve the loss of your expectations, consider the opportunity you now have to rewrite your life script. How would you like the next chapter of your life to unfold? What might you be able to experience now that you couldnt while you were married? Brainstorm list of all the things you want to accomplish in this stage, then pick one or two to develop a plan of action. Whether your new vision is changing careers or taking a trip to Paris, have fun with it and get excited!


Miller Law Group


5. Practice Self-Care

Self-care generally involves taking care of your body and mind by eating healthy food, getting ample exercise and sleep, and spending time in activities you enjoy regularly. In divorce, however, self-care also means taking restorative steps to protect yourself emotionally as you heal.

For example, setting boundaries with your ex is a crucial element of self-care, especially if you will co-parent with them or will otherwise have regular contact. You must make a conscious effort to ensure that your new relationship is markedly different from the one you had in your marriage, from how you communicate to discussion topics. You can only fully move on until you both become accustomed to these new rules of interaction.

Holding off on entering a new relationship is also a form of self-care. While it may be tempting to receive validation and attention from a love interest following divorce, dating or starting a new relationship can compound your emotional wounds if youre still healing.

Katherine E. Miller
Divorce Attorney, Founder, The Miller Law Group

If youre considering divorce but want to try an approach that might mean a brighter future, contact the Miller Law Group at (914) 685-9805 or online to schedule a confidential consultation. Our team is excited to help you move forward.

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Katherine Miller
Katherine E. MillerDivorce Attorney, Certified Mediator, Collaborative Divorce Professional, Divorced Girl Smiling Trusted Professional

Katherine E. Miller is a Divorce Attorney, who is also a certified mediator and a trained collaborative divorce professional. In practice for over 30 years and personally divorced, Miller is the founder of the Miller Law Group, all women’s boutique law firm with seven divorce professionals. Miller is also the Director at the Center for Understanding in Conflict, the organization that teaches mediation, collaborative law and other conflict resolution skills, and she hosts the podcast and radio show, “Divorce Dialogues.” Additionally, Miller is the former president of the New York Association of Collaborative Professionals. She is a graduate of Vassar College and Fordham University school of Law. Learn more:

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