50 Reasons You Should Exercise During Divorce


March 9th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

Have you been hitting the gym during your divorce? If not, what are you waiting for? Exercise during divorce is crucial in feeling your best in many ways, mostly emotional! During a divorce, there are good coping mechanisms, and not-so-good coping...

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Divorced Celebrities Who Bounced Back Stronger Than Ever


February 27th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

Divorced Celebrities Who Bounced Back Stronger Than Ever By Katie Ray from Canterbury Law Firm   It may be hard to believe when you are going through it, but divorce is not the end of the world. In fact, the experience can make a person s...

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Feel Like You Have No Friends After Divorce? Read this!


February 20th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

Several years ago when I was getting divorced, I remember thinking that I didn’t know a single divorced person in my community. It was a terribly lonely and isolating feeling, and at times, I felt like I had no friends after divorce. So, when I...

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Divorce and Cancer: Does Cancer Change The Playing Field In Divorce?


February 6th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

It is scary and sad, but a harsh reality. Both the rate of people getting cancer and the rate of divorce are sharply on the rise. Therefore, having both a divorce and cancer is becoming more and more possible.   I received this letter from...

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My 30-Day Divorce Detox


February 2nd, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

Today is February 2nd-just over a month into 2016. The novelty of the new year has probably worn off, with many of our new year's resolutions already broken. But that's OK! The way I see it, the dreary darkness of winter is the perfect time to give y...

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