10 Movies Every Divorced Woman Over 50 Should See


November 27th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

It comes on suddenly. I’ll be watching a movie, and the moment I feel extreme joy, sadness or hopefulness, my eyes well with tears. It might stop there, but more often than not, my highly emotional divorced woman over 50 mentality causes full blown...

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Who Gives The Best Divorce Advice And Who You Should Ignore


May 14th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Tell someone you are divorced (or getting divorced) and you are sure to get an earful, most times without even asking! “I had a feeling...” “Men are such jerks!” “I never liked him anyhow" “Oh, I’m so sorry, was he cheating?” and my f...

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Want More Sex in Marriage? Take the Divorced Girl’s Advice!


July 10th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

I can’t count the number of women who complain that their husband or boyfriend wants sex all the time, and they’re just too tired or too busy to be interested. I bet if I asked any marriage therapist, he or she would tell me that one of the big m...

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