My Job Description for “Mom.” Happy Mother’s Day!


May 8th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

I’ve had several different careers over the course of my professional life. Most of the work has been challenging and enjoyable, some jobs were easy and fun, a couple paid well but were unfulfilling, a couple paid horrible but were fun, and one job...

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Have You Seen SMILF Yet?


November 18th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

In this week's Love Essentially, I wrote a review of the Showtime comedy, SMILF. I think the show is something that single moms will truly appreciate and find really funny!   'SMILF' Funny, If Dark Tale Of Single Parenting by Jackie Pilos...

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Gwyneth Paltrow Divorce: Her Single Mother Comments


March 29th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

The first time I heard about the Gwyneth Paltrow divorce was when I was watching the news and heard about some comments she made about being a new single mother. Here is a quote from Paltrow from an article in USA Today: "I think it's different...

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9 Characters who Played Single Moms and the Gifts they Gave Us


July 13th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

Growing up watching One Day at a Time, the concept of single moms was so foreign to me. I was a in grade school, and never dreamed I’d end up in Anne Romano’s shoes. No, I didn't date my divorce attorney, and no, I don’t have a building superin...

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