Does Tracking A Spouse’s Phone Imply Lack Of Trust?


June 23rd, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

I recently began tracking my kids' phones and it got me thinking, if I was married, how would I feel about tracking my husband's phone? One one hand, tracking a spouse's phone would probably give a person peace of mind. On the other hand, it could cr...

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Advice For Those With A Controlling Spouse


June 10th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

A recent flight home, where this woman seated in the window seat refused to open the shade, got me thinking about control in relationships, specifically, a controlling spouse. Here is my Love Essentially column, published in the Chicago Tribune Pione...

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How To Cope With A Divorce Bully


June 4th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

When people are going through a divorce and facing extreme resentment, anger, hurt, bitterness and fear, an ugly side of someone can come out. People can become mean, petty, moody, spiteful or vengeful. Then there's the divorce bully; the person who ...

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Are Your Kids Watching 13 Reasons Why? Yep.


May 29th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Thinking about your teen or pre-teen watching a show about suicide, with scenes in it about bullying, rape, drinking, and drunk driving can be really really scary. I'm referring to the new Netflix drama, 13 Reasons Why;  a show that almost every kid...

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Advice For Moms Who Have Recent College Grads


May 20th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

While it's really hard to become an empty nester when your kids go college, it can also be difficult if they graduate and move back in without a job or any kind of direction. Below is my Love Essentially column that offers advice on how to talk to an...

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