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Would You Rather Be This Guy's Ex-Wife or New Wife?

July 9, 2024 . Jackie Pilossoph

new wife

I ran into a woman recently who has been divorced for several years and has three children. We asked each other the usual questions you ask when you haven't seen someone in awhile: "How are things," "How are the kids?" "How's the job?" "How's the lov...

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How Divorce Changes a Woman: 9 More Things I Learned

July 6, 2024 . Jackie Pilossoph

how divorce changes a woman

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article called “Am I Happier After Divorce? 9 Things I Learned in my Divorce.” The article gained a lot of attention, so I thought I’d write a part 2, which is How Divorce Changes a woman: 9 MORE Things I learned in ...

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Divorce After 30 Years of Marriage or More

July 3, 2024 . Katherine E. Miller

divorce after 30 years of marriage

Are you going through a divorce after 30 years of marriage or more? Did you stay with your spouse far longer than you should have? Now that you've finally pulled the plug and the divorce is actually happening, you may be surprised to find yourself fe...

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Jackie Pilossoph

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Jackie Pilossoph

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I'm not a therapist. I'm not a coach. I'm a journalist who knows how to LISTEN and connect you with divorce professionals you can trust.

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6 Tips to Coparenting With a Toxic Ex

July 1, 2024 . Jenna Noble and Monique Mason

coparenting with a toxic ex

The breakdown of a marriage or serious romantic relationship can be traumatic for everyone, the most vulnerable of which are the children who get stuck in the middle of contentious separations. For those in the process of leaving a toxic or willfully...

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The Vindictive Ex: When Hate Comes Before Children

June 30, 2024 . Jackie Pilossoph

vindictive ex

Most divorced couples have issues with each other. That's just the way it is. Getting divorced comes with a lot of pent up resentment that built during the marriage, and that happened during and after the divorce. Hopefully, negative feelings between...

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