How About a Cocktail? Free Perfume Giveaway For My Readers!

By Jackie Pilossoph, Founder, Divorced Girl Smiling, the place to find trusted, vetted divorce professionals, a podcast, website and mobile app.

Want to win a bottle of a brand new fragrance that just launched called Cocktail? Enter my free perfume giveaway, where the creator of Cocktail, Gigi Gold will give away 3 bottles!

First of all, how great of a name is Cocktail?! But, besides the name, the perfume is sexy, playful and sophisticated. It’s a blend of violet leaf, bergamot, jasmine and amber, and comes in a beautiful bottle.

I do know a thing or two about perfume. A couple of years ago, I was doing some freelance writing for a guy who was launching a new perfume. In order to educate me on the industry, he sent me to Sniffapalooza, the largest perfume convention in the world, which takes place annually in New York City.

The convention and the weekend was one of the most fun I can ever remember, but more than just a good time, traveling from Bergdorf’s to Henri Bendel and to The Plaza, I had the pleasure of listening to several different presidents of perfume companies, explaining their philosophies about what makes certain perfumes market leaders, what goes into thought, production and marketing of all their fragrances. Not to mention, I was sent home with a bag of samples and gifts so large that I seriously will never have to buy perfume ever again as long as I live.

All that said, I am definitely going to get a bottle of Cocktail!

            So, here is the giveaway contest:

Answer the question: What is the most romantic moment you can ever remember in your life?

It can involve anyone in your life: your current boyfriend, an old boyfriend, a fling, even your ex. Forget about what happened in the relationship. It is irrelevant. In other words, even if it ended badly—even if it is your ex-husband—put yourself back into that place of intense romance, when you felt beautiful, sexy, loved and cherished, a time when that passion took your breath away.

Write you answer in a comment and Gigi will choose her top three answers one week from today. If you are in her top three, she will send you a bottle of Cocktail at no charge!

  • If you are a winner, I will contact you and get your address for Gigi.

Something I learned at the perfume convention, is that perfume, not just the smell but the story behind it—everything from the look of the bottle, the color, the way it is dispensed, the history of its creators—comes into play when a woman is deciding if she wants to buy a fragrance.

I think perfume is a wonderful confidence booster, and makes a woman feel pretty and sexy. Like lipstick (remember my lipstick article?) perfume is an inexpensive way to gain self-confidence and to make you stand taller and feel good about yourself.

To learn more about Cocktail:

So, what’s your most romantic moment? Comment here!


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    Jackie Pilossoph

    Editor-in-chief: Jackie Pilossoph

    Jackie Pilossoph is the Founder of Divorced Girl Smiling, the media company that connects people facing with divorce to trusted, vetted divorce professionals. Pilossoph is a former NBC affiliate television journalist and Chicago Tribune/Pioneer Press features reporter. Her syndicated column, Love Essentially was published in the Chicago Tribune/Pioneer Press and Tribune owned publications for 7 1/2 years. Pilossoph holds a Masters degree in journalism from Boston University. Learn more at:

    10 Responses to “How About a Cocktail? Free Perfume Giveaway For My Readers!”

    1. Robin

      The most romantic moment in my life so far that I’ll never forget… after a hard days work, after running all over the city, at the end of the day the love of my life (or who I thought was at the time) unexpectedly surprised me with a horse drawn carriage at the plaza hotel to take us to the boathouse in Central Park to sip vodka grapefruits. The setting was beautiful. With the big pivot glass doors open, there was a slight early summer-like breeze and the smell of a fresh water lake and spring air.

    2. Wymnkarma

      My most romantic moment was unrequited, star crossed lovers reunited. The sun was at high noon, our shadow bouncing off the zenith sun. It took one embrace, one scent that will linger in my memory for all of eternity. The scent reminded me of what it felt like to be at home in another’s arms. The scent made me yearn for a connection that in this life, could not manifest. Soul mates are not always single and we respected that. I pulled away with tears in my eyes and watched the same emotion well up in the eyes of my beloved. That moment took my breath away because I knew that we did not have to be intimate, to know that our hearts were one. That scent, that hug, still till this day, is the most romantic moment I have ever encountered.

    3. Joy

      My husband and I were driving through the beautiful Bosnia/Herzegovina mountains this past summer when one of my favorite songs (Afire Love – Ed Sheeran) came on. It was such a beautiful and poignant moment for me. This vacation was the ‘real’ vacation we had taken – sans child – in 5 years and we just sat there in silence listening to a beautiful song and enjoying the amazing scenery.

    4. Lisa

      After a sleepless night on a train from Paris to Venice, I arrived in Venice tired and ready to sleep. My boyfriend at the time persuaded me to opt out of sleep to check out Venice right away. We ended up going on a gondola ride around the Venice canals and my boyfriend proposed when we are alone in a private canal. After I said yes, the gondolier had perfectly positioned the boat by the Rialto bridge where we had a picture hand & hand after getting engaged.

    5. Emily Lewis

      The most romantic thing was being in Ireland with my boyfriend (now hubby) and realizing he was the one. The first part of the trip was nuts…lost luggage, crazy roads, getting separated from our travel partners, rain everything….but knowing that this man was the one because through it all he made me feel better, made it an adventure.

    6. Amy Orvin

      The most romantic time I can remember was when my boyfriend set his watch at midnight the day before Valentine’s Day. We were just sitting on the couch watching a movie when his watch went off and the clock struck midnight. He reached over to me and kissed me on the cheek and said, Happy Valentine’s Day! I thought that was so romantic and sweet.

    7. Rkang

      The most romantic moment in my life was our first dance as husband and wife at our wedding reception. It was a quintessential romantic moment…candle light, flowers, all of our friends and loved ones there to share our happiness and celebrate our union. The song was “This Moment in Time” by Englebert Humperdink. 25 years later, the lyrics are still relevant. “This moment in time, this right time of day, oh I love being with you and watching my life at play. My love in your eyes, is lighting my dreams…and no matter what comes, I know the sun is gonna shine because of you and me, there’ll be this moment in time.”

    8. angela lazo

      My most romantic moment happened when I was walking in the park by the lake hand in hand with my then boyfriend, I had huge butterflies in my stomach because it was our first date, and then it started raining and we kissed under the rain next to gazebo with the lake as our witness, beautiful memory, I will never forget it.

    9. Lisa T

      The most romantic moment in my life was when my boyfriend at the time, led me out our back door through a candlelit path that led to the small lake on the golf course behind our house where a rowboat was waiting. He proceeded to row me out to the island in the middle of the lake where he proposed! The bench that is always there was covered in roses and our picture. The golf manager and his wife were waiting for us back at the clubhouse with champagne and flowers. He then surprised me with 50 friends waiting at the restaurant where we met! He still is the most romantic man and we will be married 2 yrs on the 28th 😉


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