Healing After A Breakup Means Facing Your Pain Head On


September 28th, 2019 . Jennifer Joy Butler

Healing after a breakup takes time. It isn't easy. BUT, there is one thing that will prolong your sadness, and might even keep you sad forever. Let me explain... HAVE YOU EVER LOST SOMEONE YOU LOVE? Someone who touched you at the core of your being...

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Anxious During Divorce? You Might Be Overthinking Things


September 10th, 2019 . Sarah Allen

There are many things that can make a person feel anxious during divorce. One of them is overthinking things. Do you find yourself reading too much into situations or spending too much time trying to make decisions? You are likely overthinking things...

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Newly Divorced? Don’t make these 5 BIG Mistakes


September 1st, 2019 . Jackie Pilossoph

Being newly divorced is probably the most stressful time in a person's life. You’re mourning the loss of the most serious relationship you’ve ever had. You’re stressed to the hilt about finances. You’re watching your children’s lives in uph...

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The Stress of Being A Single Parent During Market Volatility


August 26th, 2019 . Jackie Pilossoph

As single parents, we have so much on our plates that we are trying to manage: our jobs, our kids, our finances, maintaining a household, getting along with the ex, social obligations, hobbies, and maybe a significant other. And, if you aren’t divo...

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Need Some Fuel For Getting Over A Divorce? Try Pain


July 28th, 2019 . Jennifer Joy Butler

When I went through my divorce I was completely and utterly devastated. At first, that looked like shock and me going completely numb. I remember talking to my best friend night after night, repeating the facts to her and figuring out everything that...

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