It’s Complicated! Relationship Advice for A Divorced Woman


June 12th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

The Sun-Times received this letter from a divorced woman asking for relationship advice. Jackie, I am at a point in my life where I am questioning my relationship. I feel like it could be several things, such as not feeling like I have forg...

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10 Secrets to a Happy Marriage, Coming From a Divorced Woman!


June 5th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

I feel kind of funny offering marital advice since I am divorced. That said, who better to offer marital advice, specifically secrets to a happy marriage, than a divorced person? We know! We've made our mistakes. We can tell you what NOT to do to be ...

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Relationship advice: Why You Might be Running from Relationships


May 29th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

There is no law that says you have to be in a relationship, but in my opinion, it’s human nature to want to find love and monogamy. Here's some relationship advice you can take or leave, but if you haven't been in a relationship for awhile, you mig...

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How Do You Know When to Say I Love You?


May 22nd, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Those three little words that we all long to hear from the man or woman we adore can mean the world, but if said at an inopportune time or under the wrong circumstances, “I love you” can be a dreaded statement that might cause confusion, embarras...

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