Relationship Advice: A Key Word In Being Happy Together


July 9th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Most couples have some kind of conflict. Some more than others, but it's almost inevitable that if you are in a relationship long enough, you will have some disagreements. Here is some relationship advice, and really it's one word that separates thos...

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How Do I Meet Someone After Divorce? The Answer: Start With YOU


June 25th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

"How do I meet someone after divorce?" is a question I get asked almost on a daily basis. It inspires me that even after a bad marriage, men and women still crave happiness in this regard. However, what men and women don't realize is, meeting someone...

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Going From Casual Dating to Serious Relationship-Can You Handle It?


June 21st, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Going from casual dating to a serious relationship is a huge transition. It might seem scary or uncomfortable, which is understandable. But I will say, it can also have so many wonderful benefits! I received this email from a reader: Jackie, I ...

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Woman Having an Affair says: “We Get Each Other in Every Way”


May 8th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

I have been married one year, together eight. We have a child and a business together. Families are completely intertwined. I’m having an affair with a coworker who makes me actually think true love exists. We seem to completely get each other in e...

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Men and Their Mommies: His Relationship With His Mom Affects Yours


April 30th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

I am a mom who has a son. I also have a brother, and an ex-mother-in-law, and I have to say, the mother-son relationship is very interesting to me. I truly believe that a man's relationship with his mom has a huge impact on his romantic relations...

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