Collaborative Divorce: Why You Might Want One


October 21st, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

I had never heard of collaborative divorce until a few years ago. In fact, if I wasn't the writer of this blog, I probably still wouldn't know what it was. But collaborative divorce is becoming more and more well-known and well received, because it's...

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Are You Dating A Playboy?


October 5th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

If you are dating a playboy or you aren't sure, this is a great article for you. Published today in the Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press, this week's Love Essentially is about playboys and why women either love them or why they run from them. Enjoy! ...

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Trying To Cope With Divorce? Put On Some Tunes!


September 2nd, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

People cope with divorce in many different ways. There are good coping mechanisms and bad coping mechanisms. One good one for me, not just in divorce but in any stressful or difficult situation has been music. I find that putting on some tunes has ma...

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Marital Problems Arise From Living Situation For This Couple


August 25th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Read my advice column, Love Essentially, where I offer advice to a woman having marital problems due to her sister-in-law, who is living with them. Three Is A Crowd For This Married Couple And His Sister by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Pi...

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Marriage Advice From Around The Globe


August 19th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Marriage advice on a divorce website? Of course! I'm posting this article for those thinking of separating or those whose marriages might be in trouble. It is meant to either give you ideas on how to make your marriage better, or to help you face rea...

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