Desire: It’s So Much Bigger Than Lust Or Sex


December 14th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

Wait till you read this incredibly inspiring, AMAZING post about desire. Written by Life Coach Baruch Halevi, this one will hook you! What you always thought desire was--sex and lust and want and physical attraction isn't what desire is at all! Enjoy...

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Gratitude Is Good For Your Health


December 2nd, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

The holiday season can be dark and depressing for those going through a divorce or already divorced. Still, I think we can all find gratitude every single day: our health, our children, our loved ones, our homes, the outdoors, our career, our passion...

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Women Over 40: Do You Love Your Body? You Better!


October 21st, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

I seriously cannot remember a single time in my life when I haven't critiqued my body – either positively or negatively while catching a glimpse of it in the mirror. There have been times I spotted things that made me gasp, like a new wrinkle, some...

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Carrie Bradshaw’s Getting Divorced?! My Review of The New HBO Series “Divorce”


October 18th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

A Look at The New HBO Series “Divorce,” Starring Sarah Jessica Parker by Jackie Pilossoph for ESME Is it possible to have a mentor who is a fictional character? If so, Carrie Bradshaw was mine. Happy, fun, brave, and kind, Bradshaw had a way ...

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Stop Whining And Complaining And Just Enjoy The Rain!


September 17th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

Life can be hard. There's no doubt about it. Everyone has problems every single day--large and small. But too much whining and complaining can make everything worse, including your love life. That is the subject of this week's Love Essentially column...

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