Cherie Morris, Divorce Coach, Co-parenting Coach, Founder, Dear Divorce Coach

Meet Cherie Morris, Divorce Coach, Co-parenting Coach and Founder, Dear Divorce Coach

Cherie Morris
Cherie Morris, J.D., Certified Divorce Coach, Founder, Dear Divorce Coach


Check out Co-parenting Compass, Cherie’s brand new online course!


Redefine What Family Means Post- Divorce



Divorce is a major life transition that deserves attention and care.

If you are faced with divorce or the death of a spouse, you may feel alone, confused and unsure of what’s next and what you need to do. But there are decisions to be made, conversations facilitated, financial implications to weigh…the list goes on.

Understanding all the steps and developing a plan of action is critical to feeling empowered and taking ownership of your new life. If you are fearful and avoidant in any of these areas, we can work together to shift your mindset for success.

You deserve to feel in control, organized, and confident during this challenging period and I will work with you to build strategies and tools to help you make better and fully informed decisions. The result will position you in a place of strength and clarity as you move forward.

About Me

Cherie Morris practices as a Divorce Coach and Parent Coordinator. She is trained as a lawyer, yoga teacher and is also an author and mother.

​Cherie’s legal training makes her approach to issues logical and reasoned. She began exploring alternate dispute resolution and mediation in order to understand how to change the nature of conflict and improve dynamics when conflict occurs, in litigation and otherwise, when a solely rational approach may not succeed. Her approach to conflict now is that rational thinking must be accompanied by the ability to empathize and compromise in order to achieve successful results.

A divorce agreement is a very important contract that requires each party to recognize, and think about, the long-term consequences of taking specific action now. She believes it is very important to understand and analyze each decision in divorce carefully, and rationally, but with a strong consideration for your best self and a relationship that may continue with a former spouse well into the future, especially when there are children involved.

There are many professionals who may serve an individual in divorce, but a divorce coach may be the only one acting as an objective thinking partner who will help you decide how to frame important decisions that will serve you and your children now and well into the future.

Cherie is convinced that the best interests of children are served in divorce when the adults act as their best selves, inspiring their children to see that flexibility and resilience are important life-long qualities for all of us. This applies whether you are contemplating, in the midst of, or have post-divorce complications.

Cherie has four children of her own and is part of a blended family. She is delighted to include her partner’s daughter and say they have a combined five. Life is always interesting and challenging.

In addition to her work with Dear Divorce Coach, Cherie is available for parent coordination sessions and coaching sessions regarding divorce and other life transitions for individuals and couples too. Learn more or schedule a free consultation.

Cherie on the Divorced Girl Smiling Podcast:





Connect with Cherie on Social Media:


“Cherie held my hand through separation and divorce in person, by phone, email, or quick text messages. She advised on practical issues and comforted me on emotional ones.” – M.

“Cherie is a dedicated, caring coach who will help you through this difficult transition.” – H.

“Cherie is one of those rare people with genuine warmth and compassion for a situation, alongside an ability to make you feel at ease when opening up about often painful and frustrating times.” – J.R.



Articles by Cherie:

Listen to the Divorced Girl Smiling podcast View the DGS trusted divorce professionals! Who Let the Dogs Out? Book

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