Fighting with Your Boyfriend? Fight Fair!


August 23rd, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

I think it’s pretty safe to say that one of the reasons people get divorced is because they fight or argue a lot with their spouse. What starts out as bickering can turn into shouting, insults, name calling, and cruel remarks, which can turn into p...

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Where To Go On A First Date? Coffee House Or Bar?


August 19th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

The good news: you met someone and your first date is set. But deciding where to go on a first date could present some stress. What are some good options? Do you meet at Starbucks and keep things sober? Will he pick you up and take you to a romant...

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9 Characters who Played Single Moms and the Gifts they Gave Us


July 13th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

Growing up watching One Day at a Time, the concept of single moms was so foreign to me. I was a in grade school, and never dreamed I’d end up in Anne Romano’s shoes. No, I didn't date my divorce attorney, and no, I don’t have a building superin...

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Want More Sex in Marriage? Take the Divorced Girl’s Advice!


July 10th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

I can’t count the number of women who complain that their husband or boyfriend wants sex all the time, and they’re just too tired or too busy to be interested. I bet if I asked any marriage therapist, he or she would tell me that one of the big m...

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Divorced Parents Take a Trip to the ER


June 30th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

When divorced parents interact, they typically act like this: cold, impersonal, cordial, angry and/or annoyed. At least at the beginning of the divorce. We all have to hope that as time goes by, divorced parents can be genuine friends. I want to s...

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